Saturday, January 9, 2021

Monday, December 7, 2020

Portugal - Best hidden secret beaches - Algarve Secrets - Ep.007 - Parad...

Mais um pequeno recanto interessante. Subscreva e vira mais a seguir.
Another secret to share with you.Please subscribe.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Algarve (Portugal ) Amazing Bay - Ep.005 - Algarve Secrets

Venha comigo saborear o mar e o vento maritimo...os olhos tambem folgam dizia a minha madrinha. bjs
Come and taste the ocean and the salty wind..the eyes also enjoy, as my godmother used to say.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Ola Amigos Ouvintes
Com este novo blog, REVIVAL MUSIC RADIO - queremos tambem apresentar-vos a ideia de que podem procurar outros assuntos que ja tinhamos em blogs anteriores, como e o caso de Blog Revival Music Radio 24 e tambem do blog Claudia Rios Personal (Pessoal) e do blog DJ Claudia Rios.
Sabemos que os ouvintes se sentem bem em qualquer deles mas teem preferencia por alguns.

Deste modo, indicamos o novo portal criado para arquivos, que podem consultar a qualquer hora.

Monumento aos Portugueses em Newport, RI, Estados Unidos
Dear Listeners
With this new blog, we want to introduce to you the archives page as well. In this archive page, you can find the past posts and news that were part of our previous blogs Revival Music Radio 24, and
Claudia Rios Personal and DJ Claudia Rios.
We know that you might have preference for one or the other, so we provide this page of Archives for you to browse.

Please take a look and let us know what you think.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dear Friends and Listeners

We apologize for the inconvenience as we suggest for you to listen and move to a new blog for Revival Music Radio.
With 5 years of service upon us, we thought about creating a new and improved web site.
Please bear this transition with us and we thank you for your continued support and understanding.